

Car Accidents
Car Accidents

Helping accident victims in the Inland Empire

Car accidents can be devastating. From dealing with serious injuries and determining who’s responsible, to obtaining compensation from insurance companies, you can quickly become overwhelmed after you’re involved in one. Brian Brandt understands the problems victims face. A personal injury and car accident lawyer with three decades of experience, Brian knows how to fight for car crash victims in California. He and his staff will guide you and take care of the paperwork. That way, you can focus on getting better.

If you were injured in a car wreck or lost a loved one, get in touch with the Law Offices of Brian Brandt. Our law firm can help you find solutions to your problems, no matter how big or difficult they might seem. Insurance companies often take advantage of accident victims. But they act differently when Brian is handling the claim.

Some of Brian’s car accident case results include:

  • $150 million – Largest wrongful death verdict in California history
  • $23,400,000.00 – Auto rollover accident
  • $1,000,000.00 – Defective tire accident

But it’s not just the numbers that matter to Brian. It’s the people he represents. Clients feel comfortable with Brian. He is a hands-on attorney who brings his experience and attention to detail to every single case. You won’t be treated like just another client at our law firm. As your lawyer, Brian will take the time to learn about your car accident. Then he will work with you to develop a strategy that addresses your unique legal needs.  We’re on the same team, working toward the same goal.

What types of auto accident cases does Brian handle?

Our law firm has years of experience handling a wide range of car accidents.  While car wrecks come in all shapes and sizes, some of the most common types we see include:

  • Rear-end accidents
  • Drunk driving accidents
  • Distracted driving accidents
  • Passenger injury accidents
  • T-bone accidents
  • Head-on collisions

If you were in any of these types of crashes, click on the phrase to learn more. Then contact Brian’s office immediately for a free consultation. If you don’t see your accident type on this page, you still may have a case. We invite you to call us and tell us what happened. But don’t wait, because a delay may affect your right to take legal action.

Brian wants to hear details about your accident.

In certain types of car accidents, negligence – or who was at fault – is fairly clear. If you were in any of the accidents listed below, you need to talk to Brian. You may be entitled to compensation from the at-fault person or company. Keep in mind that insurance companies will push back on claims against the negligent driver. That’s why you need someone like Brian in your corner – even if it seems clear who caused the car crash.

  • Rollover accidents – Auto accidents in which the car rolls over occur for many different reasons. Sometimes, vehicles roll over because the driver was attempting to avoid another vehicle and turned sharply. Other times, a vehicle design defect might be to blame. For instance, big vehicles such as SUVs have a high center of gravity and may be prone to rollover. In such cases, accident victims or their families will need to take legal action against the vehicle manufacturer. Such cases can be extremely complicated, but Brian has the experience needed to help.
  • Asleep at the wheel accidents – Tired driving accidents are occurring more frequently than in the past as more people say they don’t get enough sleep. While fatigued drivers may not be viewed in the same light as drunk drivers, the grave consequences of such accidents are often similar. Tired drivers, like drunk drivers, have made a choice that put others on the road at risk. If you are a victim of an asleep at the wheel accident, you may be entitled to compensation for your losses. Proving a tired driving accident can be a complicated process, but Brian has the experience necessary to get results.
  • Hit and run accidents – Among the most frustrating accidents we deal with at our law firm, hit and run crashes can be complicated when the negligent driver disappears. We routinely help innocent victims pursue claims through their own insurance company. While you might think your own insurance company is on your side, in these cases your carrier may not respond to your needs. That’s why it’s smart to hire an experienced attorney like Brian. He thoroughly understands this process and can help you every step of the way.
  • Uninsured/underinsured accidents – The State of California requires drivers to have a minimum amount of car insurance: $15,000 for injuries/death per person, $30,000 for injuries/death for more than one person and $5,000 for property damage. But such minimum amounts are often not enough to cover the cost of a car accident. An even more complicated type of car accident to deal with involves motorists who don’t have any car insurance. We know how to deal with both types of car accidents and want to work with you. We can help you pursue a claim through your own insurance company – and help you fight to receive maximum compensation for your losses.
  • Speeding accidents – Excessive speeding accidents in the state are among the most common – and often most serious – types of car accidents we deal with at our law firm. Due to the high speed of the other vehicle, you or your loved one could sustain serious, life-threatening injuries. We can work with you and handle all the legal aspects associated with your speeding accident, from gathering evidence to analyzing accident reports and dealing directly with insurance companies. We conduct a thorough investigation to discover exactly what happened and hold the negligent party accountable.

Brian and his team can make a meaningful difference.

Injuries caused by auto accidents can be devastating. In an instant, you or a loved one might become permanently disabled. Even in less severe accidents, victims may need weeks or months to recover. The accident-related costs – from medical bills and loss of wages, to pain and suffering and emotional distress – can be staggering.

Brian’s job is to secure fair compensation for his clients. He has a proven record of success in securing significant verdicts and settlements in car accident injury cases.

If you or a loved one sustained any of the following injuries, get in touch with us today. We’ve investigated these types of claims and know how to get the results our clients need and deserve:

  • Broken bones – Car accidents can result in broken legs, arms and other body parts, or debilitating fractures. These serious injuries can prevent Californians from working or performing daily routine tasks for weeks or even months. We know that someone with a broken femur (thigh bone) may be unable to take care of simple household chores that he or she may have easily completed before the accident. As a result, the financial impact of a broken bone can be staggering. It’s not just the medical bills that need to be considered. We can help make sure you are compensated for other losses, such as lost wages and hired help with housework. We can fight for the financial compensation you rightfully deserve after your accident.
  • Head injuries – From mild concussions to permanent brain damage, car accidents often cause serious injuries to the head. Knowing whether the head injury you’re dealing with is minor or severe can be extremely difficult to determine soon after an accident. Seek immediate medical attention if you suspect a head injury due to a car accident. You may have a life-threatening, traumatic brain injury (TBI) and not be aware of it in the first few hours after the accident.
  • Neck injuries – Rear-end accidents, speeding accidents and other serious car accidents often result in injuries to the neck. “Whiplash” injuries, which often involve violent forward and backward movement of the head, are among the most common neck injuries. Other neck injuries include sprained neck muscles and broken neck bones. Insurance company claims adjusters may try to dismiss these injuries as minor, but Brian, with the help of top outside experts, can provide compelling evidence to demonstrate the full financial impact of your injury.
  • Back injuries – Auto accidents sometimes cause serious back injuries. Like head injuries, back injuries might seem minor at first. But depending on the severity of your injury, you might not be able to walk or move normally for several weeks, months or permanently. Our law firm can work with you to make sure you receive the money you need to address the impact of your back injury.
  • Spinal cord injuries – Depending on the severity and location of your spinal cord injury, you or a loved one might be permanently disabled. Paralysis from the waist down (often called paraplegia) or the neck down (frequently referred to as quadriplegia) can change the victim’s life forever – and have a significant impact on his or her loved ones.

Can a company be at fault? In some cases, definitely.

Along with different types of auto accidents and common car accident injuries, Brian has extensive knowledge about other issues often associated with such accidents, including:

  • Auto product liability – Car manufacturers and the companies that make auto parts have a legal obligation to test and produce safe vehicles. Otherwise, you or a loved one could sustain a serious injury in an auto accident caused by defective car parts. Brian has years of experience handling product liability claims.

You can also learn more about auto accidents in California and your legal rights on the following in-depth pages devoted to other common issues associated with car accidents:

  • What to do after an accident
  • Q&A with California car accident attorney
  • California car accident collision report
  • California car accident statistics

Give your car accident the attention it deserves. Contact us.

Don’t wait to contact our law firm after your auto accident. The state’s statute of limitations law generally gives injury victims 2 years from the date of the injury to take legal action. You might think you have time, but delaying may hurt your chances of being fairly compensated. Building a strong legal case takes a tremendous amount of time and work.

The sooner you contact us, the sooner we can start investigating your car accident. We can even contact the police on your behalf and obtain a copy of your collision report for free for you. We’re committed to helping clients recover full compensation.

Remember, you didn’t do anything wrong. You shouldn’t have to pay for someone else’s mistakes. Give your car accident the attention it deserves. Contact our law firm today. Call 949.481.1468 or 909.932.1162 and schedule your free initial consultation. You can also obtain a free copy of Brian’s book, “Braving the Accident Jungle, Your Guide to Avoiding Predatory Insurance Companies” by contacting us online.

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